Wednesday 25 May 2022


It is quite normal that moving on carpets in a house, apartment or business space leads to their soiling over time, no matter how much we pay attention to them. Particles and microorganisms that can endanger human health accumulate inside the tissue. In any case, it is very ugly to see a dirty carpet full of hair and crumbs and stains that are often hidden by furniture.

Very often, brushing and vacuuming are not enough to keep your carpets clean, but the help of a professional service for deep washing and cleaning is necessary. Let your carpets shine again and become soft to the touch and fragrant. The carpet stretching company Toronto washing gives you an explanation of why you need to maintain carpets regularly and what danger accumulated dirt carries.


Periodically, it is very important to invite a team that will professionally wash them, and we are always at your disposal in this regard. Sometimes vacuuming carpets is not enough Using a vacuum cleaner removes only visible dirt particles. This way you will not be able to get rid of mites and bacteria, as well as impurities that have penetrated deep into the fibers of the carpet. Often the suction process itself can be dangerous, especially for people who are susceptible to allergic reactions and who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system such as asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Namely, part of the air comes out of the vacuum cleaner at the same time as the intake is performed, and with that air, part of the collected allergens is released into the air. Research has shown that the air from a vacuum cleaner is as dirty as a trash can and a dishwashing sponge

More frequent carpet treatment is mandatory if you keep pets in your home or have small children crawling and rolling on the surface. The kids touch the face with their hands after contact with the carpet, spill snacks on it and put them in their mouths and scatter their toys all around. In this way, allergens are transmitted that can cause reactions such as skin rashes and sneezing. Long-term exposure to carpet dirt can have dangerous consequences for a delicate, childish organism. When it comes to pets like dogs and cats, they leave hair on their body when they move on the carpet, and they can also be endangered by impurities and infectious agents.

Did you know that carpets contain a huge amount of dust and harmful microorganisms that cause various infectious diseases? They are a real magnet for dirt such as hair, dead skin cells, insect feces and other types of allergens, but also bacteria and viruses. Carpets that are not maintained often cause serious health problems in both adults and children. Frequent spills of food and walking in shoes intended for outdoor use make the situation much worse. These are impurities that cannot be removed in the classic way, but you have to get rid of them with professional help.

With special tools and environmentally safe and effective chemicals, professional cleaning services will deeply clean every carpet, regardless of what material it is made of and how thick and densely woven it is.

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Friday 25 February 2022

Worried About Carpet During Winter? Maintain With These Steps

What do you imagine thinking about wintertime? A good picture of a snow blanket outside your house, the changed look of the backyard, people sitting around the fireplace, or someone busy reading a book on the couch underneath blankets? It is such a rosy picture to imagine but think about the carpet during winter and you will get nervous. The carpet goes through a lot in winter due to snow, ice, dirt all coming in with each entrant. You would even find ashes on the carpet near the fireplace. So, hire Dr. Carpet patching Toronto to deal with the carpet repairs.

Homeowners should keep in mind these tips suggested by the Toronto carpet stretching company for the protection of the carpet and to make the most of it for a long time.
  • Placing a door mat at the entrance: A good quality doormat is essential at the entrance of the house. This step will save your carpet from debris, dust, snow, and other particles. With the sturdy mat, unwanted dust and debris to a large extent will gather outside and not damage the carpet inside the house. You can always take tips for maintenance of your carpet from the Toronto carpet stretching company who visit for carpet repairs.
  • Put shoes inside the storage unit: All the family members should have the habit of putting their shoes in the designated place inside the house. When you enter the house, you bring in a lot of unwanted elements with your shoes. The carpet witnesses the snow and dirt of your shoes if you roam around in the house without removing shoes. You can always have a separate pair of shoes for the house apart from the one you wear outside.
  • Cover floor while cleaning the fireplace: Placing a big plastic trash bag on the carpet at the time of cleaning the fireplace would protect your carpet. You can easily complete the cleaning work without worrying about the ashes entering the carpet and making it look dirty. It is a simple way to protect the carpet and make the task of cleaning quite easy.
  • Use vacuum regularly: Carpet is an expensive inclusion in any house so keeping it neat and clean is essential. The Toronto carpet stretching company suggests having a habit of vacuuming every week so that the carpet is safe from deep penetration of the dirt. Though you might be making all efforts to keep the carpet clean, you need to extract dust from the carpet at least once a week.
  • Quick carpet repairs service: You should not delay the repairs of small or big tears of the carpet. It might increase the overall charges of repairs or for the worst problems, you might have to replace the carpet. 
Rather, fix the carpet problems promptly.

In this way, you can maintain your carpet by noting down some minor changes in your house. Also, get the carpet cleaned by the professional Toronto carpet stretching company once the winter season gets over. Call us today for carpet repairs and other services.

For more information about carpet patching companies, do follow on Google, Twitter and Foursquare.