Thursday 27 September 2018


Most people believe that vacuuming a carpet is a relatively straight-forward task. Vacuuming your carpet is also a great way to remove dust and dirt, and keep it looking clean. What most people do not know is that there actually is a right way to vacuum your carpet. Here are a few tips to help keep your carpet looking its best.
Choose the right vacuum
Not all vacuums are created equal and they do not all treat carpets equally. With so many vacuums on the market today, how do you know that you are getting the right one for your carpet?

Friday 14 September 2018

Tips on Maintaining the Quality of Your Carpets

Can you take a look at your carpet right now? What do you think of it? A lot of people with new carpets will be happy with the way that their carpets look like. If yours have seen better days, the least that you can do is acknowledge it. You know that your carpet’s appearance can be improved but you do not know where to begin. You can start by hiring the right carpet repair company Toronto. They will be in charge of assessing the current state of your carpet. You will also be informed about the services that your carpet currently needs. If you are having trouble looking for the right company, check this Yelp page.


Tuesday 11 September 2018


Everyone knows that vacuuming carpets on a regular basis will help them stay cleaner longer, in between regular professional carpet cleaning services. However, not everyone knows what type of vacuum is best for the type of carpeting in their home or business. Choosing the right vacuum is essential because it will determine how long your carpeting will last.
Types of Vacuum Cleaning

There are two general types of vacuums: Brushless and rotating brush models. People are the most familiar with the rotating brush models that have the round bar on the front of the vacuum with the bristle brushers. When the vacuum is turned on the bar spins causing the brushers to turn as well.