Saturday 29 December 2018


If you walk around your home with your shoes on, any germs you have picked up from the outdoors is brought inside and gets into your carpeting and rugs. Germs include various types of bacteria, viruses, and other undesirable things no one really wants in their carpeting. Many germs are responsible for making us sick since they cause illnesses and diseases.
Germs Hiding in Carpet

Thursday 29 November 2018


The carpeting in your home is a major investment into flooring. Your goal should be to help it last as long as possible to ensure it maintains is beauty and luxuriousness. Getting the most out of your carpeting does require you to review your current cleaning habits and if there is anything you could be doing better.
carpet cleaning
 Do you vacuum at least once a week?
Weekly vacuuming is good for your carpet’s appearance and helps improves its longevity. Not to mention, removes dirt, dust, and other debris. If you have pets or dust is an issue in your home, you may need to vacuum a few times a week.


The carpeting in your home attracts all sorts of “stuff” throughout the year. This “stuff” can have a direct effect on the overall quality of air inside the home. In most cases, depending on what is in your carpeting, the air you are breathing could actually contain more pollutants that outdoor air!
Carpet patching service
The most common types of indoor air pollutants that can get trapped in your carpeting include:
  • Pet Hair
  • Pet Dander
  • Pollen
  • Bacterial
  • Viruses
DustEach of these pollutants can be released into the air you breathe whenever you walk across your carpeting. In addition, if you suffer from asthma, allergies or other respiratory conditions, you often notice an increase in the frequency of symptoms and attacks. Even if you do not have any these medical conditions, it is not uncommon for people to experience flu-like and cold symptoms more often such as:
Deep carpet cleaning services help remove all of the trapped pollutants from the carpeting. Once your carpeting has been deep cleaned, you will notice an overall improvement in air quality inside the home.

Read More Here.

Wednesday 10 October 2018


The fall and winter holiday season is just right around the corner. Long before putting decorations and planning gatherings with family and friends, now is the time to spruce up your carpeting. Doing so, will make sure it looks great for all of your holiday celebrations.

Spruce Up Carpeting

The fall and winter holidays are the not only the most enjoyed, but also the busiest. You will be busy shopping, preparing and planning celebrations, working, taking care of the children, and doing other things that may not leave you much time getting your house ready for the holidays.
Scheduling carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and carpet repair services can help make sure your home is prepared for the holidays. Plus, it means one less chore you have to worry about later.

Thursday 27 September 2018


Most people believe that vacuuming a carpet is a relatively straight-forward task. Vacuuming your carpet is also a great way to remove dust and dirt, and keep it looking clean. What most people do not know is that there actually is a right way to vacuum your carpet. Here are a few tips to help keep your carpet looking its best.
Choose the right vacuum
Not all vacuums are created equal and they do not all treat carpets equally. With so many vacuums on the market today, how do you know that you are getting the right one for your carpet?

Friday 14 September 2018

Tips on Maintaining the Quality of Your Carpets

Can you take a look at your carpet right now? What do you think of it? A lot of people with new carpets will be happy with the way that their carpets look like. If yours have seen better days, the least that you can do is acknowledge it. You know that your carpet’s appearance can be improved but you do not know where to begin. You can start by hiring the right carpet repair company Toronto. They will be in charge of assessing the current state of your carpet. You will also be informed about the services that your carpet currently needs. If you are having trouble looking for the right company, check this Yelp page.


Tuesday 11 September 2018


Everyone knows that vacuuming carpets on a regular basis will help them stay cleaner longer, in between regular professional carpet cleaning services. However, not everyone knows what type of vacuum is best for the type of carpeting in their home or business. Choosing the right vacuum is essential because it will determine how long your carpeting will last.
Types of Vacuum Cleaning

There are two general types of vacuums: Brushless and rotating brush models. People are the most familiar with the rotating brush models that have the round bar on the front of the vacuum with the bristle brushers. When the vacuum is turned on the bar spins causing the brushers to turn as well.

Thursday 23 August 2018


One of the most dreadful experiences that could occur in your home is water damage to your carpeting. You could home to discover a water pipe broke and see water running down the walls and soaking into the carpeting. Your kids may have flushed toys down the toilet and clogged it so now it is overflowing out of the bathroom and into the hallway.


No matter the cause, it is important to address the problem with the water right away. You want to make sure to call an experienced Toronto carpeting water damage and restoration professional, like here at Dr. Carpet.

Wednesday 22 August 2018


Preventing water damages inside your home and to your carpeting is something everyone in your household has to help with. While not all types of water damages can be fully eliminated, it is possible to reduce the risks of accidental damages to your carpeting by using these great tips and suggestions.


  1. Inspect your roof twice a year for damages. Damaged roofs are a very common source of water damage to homes and carpeting. If you notice cracked, broken, or missing shingles call a roofing contractor and have your roof repaired.

Thursday 19 July 2018

Benefits of carpet repairs in Toronto

There are chances that you might not have heard every about the process of carpet repair. But these type of services exist in the market and you should know about them. Whenever there is any damage to the carpet, people try and do the repairs on your own. It is recommended that you should turn towards a professional help for the same. The main reason for this is that they know how to repair the carpet with different techniques like carpet stretching, carpet patching and others. You can visit for more details.

carpet patching service

Thursday 7 June 2018

Give Your Carpets New Life with Toronto Carpet Stretching

It can be hard to keep your carpet in its pristine state. It was great when you first purchased it but over the years, it has changed. A carpet is a bit tricky to have at home mainly because it would require a lot of maintenance depending on the carpet that you pick. You do not have to work on the maintenance on your own. The right Toronto carpet stretching company can provide the help that people need. Check Google Maps to find details about a reliable carpet maintenance company near you.

There are a lot of useful services that are available for a lot of people so that carpet can be maintained properly. Carpet stretching is just one of the things that can be considered. This can be useful in getting rid of flaws that may become evident through the years. A reputable carpet repair company Toronto will know what to do immediately. Through carpet stretching, the ripples on your carpet can be completely removed. This is very useful because you know just how problematic it can be when your carpet is not stretched out properly on the floor some even get into accidents because they trip on rippled carpets. Seek the help of the right company when you check this out.

When your carpet starts falling apart, you have some options. The first option is to have the carpet repaired. For example, there may be some holes and tears that can be easily mended by the right carpet repair company. The carpet patching services will be very useful. When the carpet is starting to show signs of wear and tear, carpet stretching will be useful. Those who have the budget can choose the third option which is to replace the carpet entirely. This is going to require money depending on the size of the floor space that will be carpeted.

The right company can give new life to your carpet. As long as you would hire a company that is known for its reliable service, you can be sure that your carpet will look presentable again. Some may even look brand new depending on what the company can do with it. Just imagine how convenient this would be. You do not have to spend money and time in looking for a new carpet. You can already work with the carpet that you already have.

There are so many carpet repair companies that you will find in the market right now. It can be tricky to choose if you do not know what you have to look for. A company’s reputation will always be important. If the reputation of the company is not that good, look elsewhere. The right Toronto carpet repair company will surely make a huge difference with your carpet’s appearance.

The carpet repair companies Toronto may seem to offer the same services but you need to look for companies that come with able technicians. These technicians should be knowledgeable about the things they can do to help save your carpet. They should also be professional and respectful at all times. Once you find the right company, you know that your carpet can be saved.
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Wednesday 30 May 2018


From pet odours, stains, pet dander and shedding to wet and muddy paws, pets can make keeping carpets clean in your home challenging. As much as we love our pets and treat them like our children, they can quickly ruin our carpeting if we do not use the right preventative steps. To help keep your carpets clean and your pets happy, our Toronto carpet cleaning and repair company offers the following tips:
Little girl lying on rug with yorkshire terrier smiling at camera at home in the living room
  1. Use carpet runners and area rugs. Carpet runners are great for hallways where you pets like to play and run around. Area rugs are perfect of areas where you pet likes to sit and rest, like in the living room while you watch TV.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Choosing Company to do Carpet Repair Toronto

You are looking at your carpet and you are wondering how you can possibly fix it. You are checking out its stains and you are wondering how you are going to get rid of these stains. If you have been trying to improve the appearance of your carpet but have failed countless times, this is a sign. You need to contact the right company to do carpet repair Toronto soon. Your carpet needs professional care that carpet cleaning and repair companies can provide. You can learn more about us and the services we can provide when you check our Facebook.

Once you finally realize that you need carpet Repair Company in Toronto, you already know for sure that picking the right company will make a huge difference on how your carpet would look like after. There are different companies that are advertising online. They all seem to offer the same things at first glance. The more that you look into what the company can do, the easier it will be for you to make a decision. It is ideal that you check out our Twitter page. You can inquire or get to know more about our company.

Monday 23 April 2018

Get your carpet in mint condition with Carpet Repair Toronto Services

When we go carpet buying, we often choose colors that are easy on our eyes and offer a soothing ambience to the space where they are being laid. As per latest trends, carpets in colors like beige, cream and other pastel shades are quite a rage. When relatively new, everyone “oohs” and “aahs” at the carpet, but as the time passes on, we become relatively carefree and do not mind when something spills or stains the carpet. A time comes when it becomes challenging to guess the actual color of the carpet. Then, the need for professional carpet repair Toronto at was felt who can bring your carpet to the original condition without harming or damaging it.
Many people try to clean their precious carpets at home. Most of the time they are not able to ascertain whether there is pure dirt in the carpet or stains that is giving it a shabby look. Since we are common people, with a low understanding about type of stains and specialized methods of removing the same, it is better to rely on the knowledge and skills of carpet repair Toronto. 
We seldom wonder before calling a cleaner as to what should we use for cleaning our carpet. We try a cornucopia of solutions, detergents and many other things to bring back our carpet to its original glory. It is significant to find the material that the carpet is made up of. Whether it is silk? Or it is wool? Or it is some synthetic stuff? If the carpet is synthetic in nature, you are better off as they are relatively easier to clean and can be maintained for a longer duration. If the carpet is made from wool or silk or any other fragile fibre, it would require special treatment. Toronto carpet repair service providers are professionals and understand their job well. They know what to use for a specific carpet and accordingly treat the carpet. Visit Facebook for more information. The carpet again offers glimpses of its past glory. In case of a disaster like something substantial falling on the carpet, it is prudent to call Toronto Carpet Patching immediately. They will use carpet protector so that the damage is not spread further and then will focus on the area that needs to be taken care of. Using special materials and solutions, they can completely remove the spilled things from the carpet.
Moreover, they have the ability to recognize a spot or a stain and plan a course of action accordingly. When some liquid falls on the carpet, its fibres gets entangles and becomes crusty, stiff and greasy. Twitter also renders a lot of information.
There are some special spot cleaning materials that is used by them to remove these spots in a damage free manner. Professional grade chemicals are used by Carpet Repairs Toronto that gently cleans the carpet. Common stains like ink, curry, sauce, coffee, red wine and many other things that spoil the look of your carpet can no longer spoil it as there are ways of removing them. Toronto Carpet Repair has made a name in the field of carpet cleaning with their cost effective services and their expertise in doing their job.

You can find us on Yelp and Google Maps.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

What to Look for In Carpet Patching Company Before Hiring?

Carpets are expensive and so, if there is any kind of damage done to your carpet, you can restore it by hiring the services of a good carpet patching company as it will make it look as good as new instead of spending lot of money on buying a new one. Choosing the best company becomes all the more important because they would be specialized in carpet patching service. So, no matter whether you are looking for Toronto carpet patching service provider for your home carpet or the one in your office, you should keep in mind few points.